The latest version (4.2) of our popular reporting tool KReporter for SugarCRM is available for download. The changes with this release are as follows:
Features for 4.2
+ Currency type rounded
+ Allow Edit settings on/off to Kreporter 4.x
+ Cockpit View / Categories Manager
+ Filters: Improved loading mask for dropdowns
+ Integration CSV Export filename
+ SugarCRM 7.8 compatibility
+ SecurityGroups Integration
Bugs fixed for 4.2
+ enum key/label display in where clause
+ Integration BugFix pass url params to report
+ Integration BugFix Snapshots non latin chars + linkID
+ Visualization Highcharts missing value in display
+ Integration drilldown dynamic options to post in KREST
+ Presentation: Currency values are not align to the right in presentation view
+ Visualization HighCharts colum stacked x-axis empty label
+ Integration: list width too small
+ Designer: horizontal scrollbar
+ Integration savedfilters to post in KREST
+ Dashlets Missing KReports icon for Sugar Classic Design
+ Sugar7 missing rest definitions
+ Visualization Highcharts hide labels/values
+ Integration excel export wrong column name when more than 26 columns
+ Googlemaps legend from enum: values displayed
+ Visualization: missing Marimekko Chart Type
+ Visualization Highcharts Pie Setting values/percent
+ Report as Subpanel not loading in unloaded Tab
+ Visualization Option Empty Values on x-axis with opportunities.date_closed
+ ChartLayout Feld in ListView not in vardefs?
+ Integration: PDF Export Bug PHP7
+ Visualization HighCharts: wrong labels for legend on update
+ ListType not saved to kreports table
+ Enumfield options per function
+ Open/collapse filter criteria
+ Visualization HighCharts: wrong values for xAxis on update
+ Export access rights and export button
+ Integration: nothing happens on take snapshot
+ Presentation: Treeview saved filter not loading presentation
+ Integration: DrillDown: dynamicoptions not allocated right
+ Dashlets: euro symbol displaying instead of default currency
+ Integration: DrillDown per Popup: cannot resize Window
+ Presentation: GroupedView align setting not working
+ Visualization: Highcharts resizing for dashlets