We wrapped it up just before Christmas and are happy to announce that SpiceCRM 2023.03.001 is out!
- We added a workflow monitoring dashboard to have a better overview of the workflows currently running, the ones with errors and more. This dashboard is available under Workflows in the App Launcher and will probably be improved in the next versions. Feedback among workflow users is wanted!
- We added business travel modules so that employees can plan, log and settle up their business trips. You can define a workflow definition to get the business trip approved and get the whole expenses checked.
- The SpiceCRM Page Builder is now available in template builder. Drag&Drop your layout out, define you texts and their dynamic spaceholders and get an improved PDF file. You can also now define a dynamic name for the file itself
- Some news for developers as well:
- new frontend interface for buttons is now available
- developerMode was removed
- added new System components SystemChartMultiDimensional and SystemChartOneDimensional to display a one/multi dimensional google chart.
Please, check all the details on the release page.
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