
Release 2018.10 has been released.

Asides changes to the backend it also is the first release where we are publicly releasing our new UI. As many of you have followed us we have made a huge development effort over the last 24 months to bring SpiceUI to live that adds a complete new user experience to SpiceCRM, is highly performant, flexible and on the latest technological basis.
With the fall release we are also introducing a split between backend and frontend. Thus the repositories have been newly setup. The backend is now available from github https://github.com/spicecrm/spicecrm_be_release_core and the frontend from https://github.com/spicecrm/spicecrm_fe_release_core. We have also split between a core and a more release where the core is the base with solid CRM features and the platform to build on whereas more delivers prepackaged additional features that might speed up CRM deployments.
We are aware that the setup process is still a little bit bumpy and requires expertise. In any case we have also compiled an installation guide that is available in our downloads section at https://www.spicecrm.io/downloads. For those of you that just simply want to use a CRM and do not worry about the technical bits and pieces we also offer SpiceCRM operated professionally as cloud service. Contact us if you are interested.

SpiceUI – the new Frontend

The biggest change of all is for sure the release of the new UI. This is a major enhancement that we are building and running since over two years. Of the course of the development team has written ~90.000 lines of codes, created close to 750 web components, realized several projects with our customers setting them live and optimizing the UI. The UI is built on Angular from Google and utilizes the Lightning Design system.
The new UI not only offers a unique and new, best in class user experience but also is in the essence a web component driven framework that allows companies to easily adopt to user requirements and specific needs.
for any further questions please use our community forums at community.spicecrm.io where we also have created a separate topic for the SpiceUI.[:]