Did you know how easy it is to manage your sales pipeline?
In SpiceCRM it’s easy to move an opportunity one step farther down the sales pipeline by just dragging and dropping. All you have to do is move the correct tile to its new position to set a new status, quick and easy in one second, without a lot of effort.
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Did you know how easy it is to store documents, files and pictures in SpiceCRM?
SpiceCRM lets provides you with the opportunity of adding and storing documents, files and pictures by simply dragging and dropping them wherever they are needed. Files from your computer’s hard drive can be uploaded and stored to accounts, contacts, consumers, etc., so basically everywhere where there is a ‘Files’ field. All you have to do is simply open the folder with the files in question and drag and drop them into the desired highlighted section in SpiceCRM. The files will be uploaded immediately and will be at your service at all time.
If you enjoy our posts make […]
Did you know how easy it is to create accounts, using Google Search in SpiceCRM?
SpiceCRM makes it easy for you to set up new accounts, using Google Search. While you’re typing along, the Google Search integration will provide you with suggestions of companies and places, based on the names, keywords or even just word fragments you’re entering. The autocomplete function will then take care of the rest for you by automatically filling in additional data.
If you enjoy our posts make sure you check out the videos that go with them on our channel SpiceCRM on YouTube
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Did you know how easy it is to search through SpiceCRM?
SpiceCRM provides you with a lot of different and quick options to search for data. You can use the global search tool right at the start screen to look for various contacts, companies, etc.
Type in a name or a keyword or multiple words and SpiceCRM will search globally and present you a highlighted list of results. Hit Enter to get more Details and groups of records. They are sorted by relevance with the best match on top.
If you enjoy our posts make sure you check out the videos that go with them on […]
The 3 new navigation modes in SpiceCRM
Modern web applications like SpiceCRM are based on the “one page application” schema. This means that the application runs in a single web page on the browser and mainly is handled by the browser. This brings many enhanced capabilities and increases speed and usability. However the downside is that typically only one record at a time can be shown. With the latest release of SpiceCRM we added a set of new navigation modes focusing on the typical power user in CRM who wants to open and manage multiple records ate the same time. With the change […]
SpiceCRM 2020.01.002 released .. Maps and tabbed browsing
Delivering on our Roadmap we just did release SpiceCRM 2020.01.002 as a minor release. The big changes include a new way to navigate and browse SpiceCRM with a tabbed navigation feature that allows managing multiple records at a same time structured by tabs and usb-tabs in the application itself. It also further deepens our Google Maps integration making the handling of geo data in CRM much easier supporting the user to easily use the geocoded data and maps increasing efficieny and effectiveness in the daily use of SpiceCRM. Under […]
SpiceCRM 2020.01.001 released
Following our Roadmap we did release SpiceCRM 2020.01.001 earlier this week. Amongst a lot of features and fixes the major changes include a significant rework on the list view including more flexible field handling, resizing, export features and more in the basic lists and also a major rework in the KANBAN board adding drag & drop and other new features. The other really big step towards our goal to migrate the complete legacy based SugarCRM features to the new UI is the port of our Reporter to the new UI. This now includes the Reports Design […]
The SpiceCRM Roadmap for 2020
With the roadmap we published today we want to share the plans and areas of focus we are having for the coming months. Target for 2020 is to have four major releases of SpiceCRM. While the areas for Q1 and Q2 are quite clear (Q1 has to the largest extent been completed from the development perspective already and we are in the planning process for Q2) the second half of the year is not yet completely firmed up. This will be updated also on a quarterly basis.
Also of course the areas might shift depending on requirements and […]
The State of Enterprise Open Source
[:en]A recent report conducted by Illuminas and published by RedHat underlines the importance of Enterprise Open Source. It also states that TCO is an argument but no longer the main one. Other factors like Quality of the Software or Security are evenly important. And last but not least one of the driving factors is Innovation as the report comes to the conclusion “The top spot, at 86%, went to “Enterprise open source is used by the most innovative companies.”with 86%. This ranking speaks to the overarching story of enterprise open source and open source software more broadly. It’s not […]
the all new Reporter for SpiceCRM scheduled to be released end of Q1
[:en]Reporting is amongst the most important features in a CRM solution. CRM Systems collect big amounts of data and thus represent a great source for sales &marketing as well as service insights. Reporting has always been one of our strenghts. We already last year ported the visualization of our well running reporting engine to the SpiceCRM UI. As of now we are in the final steps of also porting the report designer.
Our reporter provides thus far unmatched reporting features like:
– custum functions and calculations
– multiple charting engines
– Maps Integraton
– native XLS export
– report on audit records
– union […]
Welcome to the new Microsoft Edge!
[:en]The new Microsoft Edge is out. Based on the open source chromium Engine. It is fast and 100% compatible with SpiceCRM.
A welcome addition to the world of the modern browsers. We did our test and welcome MS Edge in its new Release.
SpiceCRM 2019.12.001 released
Right at the end of 2019 we did release a new update to SpiceCRM. Amongst other changes the most significant enhamcnements are the new feature to easily drag and drop emails and any other kind of file to the activity stream. This enables users to just drag an email right from outlook to CRM and archivew it in a structured wqay. Fully indexed and with the full FullText Search support. Also all attachments are archived making storing emails in CRM easy and not requiring any plugins or addins.
We also ported our existing Sales Planning functionality to the […]
SpiceCRM 2019.09.001 released
[:en]It has been a nice and long summer. Nevertheless the team has been working hard and we have put together the most packed release we published thus far. The new release is packed with new features, smaller enhancements and several fixes.
Amongst others we have been porting further functions from the backend Reporting engine adding views like Pivot and Tree but also flexible Grouping etc to the new UI.
We also added the function for “Close & New” the SugarCRM users amongst you might have known from the Activities. Yet of […]
SpiceCRM 2019.07.001 Released
[:en]We just published the Summer Release of SpiceCRM.
Next to some technical changes that mean support for PHP 7.3 and an upgrade to angular 8.0.1 this also adds some functional enhancements mainly in Opportunity Management and Service Management.
In the Opportunity Module we added a support for Revenue line Items. This allows to split the total opportunity amount into smaller chunks representing the expected revenue recognition. In many cases the total opportunity amount is not recognized at once. With the new feature this allows the sales rep to split this in the model of a split or a ramp […]
SpiceCRM 2019.05.001 Release Update
[:en]We just released SpiceCRM 2019.05.001 as a the May Release.
This is a minor release with some smaller changes. Nevertheless, worth mentioning is for sure the added feature of the online duplicate check. The duplicate check is a key feature for the data quality in a CRM system. With the changes last year in SpiceCRM we already move this to the FTS so elastic support this and we added a load of flexibility. From a flow the Duplicate check was carried out before a record was saved. While this is of course OK this had the potential to add […]