SpiceCRM lets provides you with the opportunity of adding and storing documents, files and pictures by simply dragging and dropping them wherever they are needed. Files from your computer’s hard drive can be uploaded and stored to accounts, contacts, consumers, etc., so basically everywhere where there is a ‘Files’ field. All you have to do is simply open the folder with the files in question and drag and drop them into the desired highlighted section in SpiceCRM. The files will be uploaded immediately and will be at your service at all time.

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SpiceCRM provides you with a preview for uploaded pictures using only one click, directly within the system. It can also easily be downloaded using the download button on the bottom.

The same counts for uploaded PDFs. In SpiceCRM you can preview PDFs along with some other options like for example printing.

Word documents or any other files can easily be downloaded again by simply clicking on their names. Every downloaded file, document or picture, by default, will be saved in your very own ‘Downloads’ folder.